Thursday 25 April 2013

Meet The Glamerines

Meet The Glamerines

The New Book - Blood Brothers - Coming Shortly

I have a new book to be called "Blood Brothers" that will be published shortly and here is some information about some key characters. 

Come with me back to the great days of rock! Oh, those marvelous bands like the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin.  And those other bands that managed to ride the wave right through the years to turn themselves into New Romantics and other incarnations. 

If you liked them, you'll probably remember the Glamerines and the gloriously handsome Julian Justin, their frontman. 

Great survivors were the Glamerines. As styles changed, they just rocked on, with the base and the volume turned up or down as the time demanded. 

They had a special look, with make-up that would have made a Paris model jealous.

Smooth as a peach and beautiful they were at the start of their set. Of course, two hours later, the black stubble was back again. 

On stage, once they started to sweat, they looked as rough and tough as their music required. 

And the lovely Julian, with a voice like wild honey? Well, Julian continued to look as sweet as their sweetest song and as strong as the prince in a teenage fan's dreams. In the early 80s, how the little girls loved Julian!

In a dressing room with the Glamerines, you could almost smell the testosterone, despite the make-up. Strong, beautiful and very masculine were the Glamerines - and Julian? 

On-stage, he loved and was loved by every woman. Off-stage, the girls still loved him, but Julian didn't quite return the affection. 

As for the rest of the group, well, they made excuses for the off-stage Julian; fey, but not gay. Of course, not gay! 

There he was their wonderful, six foot two, slim but well muscled, streak of silver; so powerful on stage with his beautiful long, blond hair. 

So here they were on a Monday night, about to play a sold out gig at the Crescent Stadium; on the outskirts of Birmingham, on the road to Middleton.

And they have a problem!

You can find out about anothe character, Jenny Blond, at  this link 

Here is a link to my first book The Wolf Project 

If you have questions or would like to receive future information about the publication of Blood Brothers please email

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